Tag Archives: 2017

And here’s one for Butch

I really could stare at Michel Rudin’s perfect, furry ass for days on end, so I chose him as our poster boy for 2017. What do you think?Michel Rudin's furry ass!That same expanded package of member benefits applies to butchdixon.com too and with the new,  wider screen design, Butch is looking beefier and better than ever!

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New Graphics!

That was fun to do and I’m happy with the result 🙂


It’s part of our big upgrade for 2017, we’ve added a whole new Bonus Content package and upgraded the VOD cinemas we include in memberships. It’s called the ULTIMATE PACKAGE and we reckon it’s pretty amazing. What do you think?

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WTF?! 2017!

Well that flew by, didn’t it?

Hope y’all had a great year, ours was a buzz and somebody sped up time, cos here we are in a whole new year already!

We’ve been busy making sure 2017 is even better, more of that later… for now, here’s our fave crush Woody Fox to wish sending you a New Years message from us all at Jonno Media.


Did you notice how he didn’t quite manage to hide the whole thing there? It’s difficult when you’re so hung, I guess #jealousasfuck

Happy New Year!

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